Achieved Unlocked!

I Achieved a Major Milestone!
We arrive early morning at Freedom Park in Canton to play some pickleball!

I played pickleball with really good players!

This past weekend, I was invited to play pickleball with one of the sport’s most known YouTubers, Webby from Eddy And Webby, the pickleball YouTube streamers.

Webby (in the background) is playing singles at Freedom Park in Canton, Michigan. Calvin takes his celebrity photo-op.

Who’s Webby?

Webby has been around the sport of pickleball since 2017, and his good friend Mark (Eddy) has been deeply involved with their streaming support for professional pickleball for years. I met Webby online when one of my friends shared that we may know each other from our professional careers in the financial services industry. I reached out to Webby and he immediately showed his enthusiasm for pickleball and jumped at the opportunity to spread its magic. pickleball anthem we needed!

How did the day go?

It started at 8am when I met Webby at Freedom Park. Since it was so early, it was only the two of us plus one other group playing. Webby, being a good host, introduced himself and foreshadowed with me what to expect when all the players arrive in an hour or so.

Then Webby and I started to play! First, he gave me an overview of the game from his perspective, and we ran some drills to warm up. Our first drill was just dinking, low and slow shots over the net into the non-volley zone (aka – the kitchen). Then, we tried a drill where one player stood by the non-volley zone and served to the opposing player who was back by the service line. The server, who was closest, wanted to keep the person back by their line. The returner wanted to try and move up to the kitchen. The drill was also run on a skinny court, just one half. You play until five, then you switch. I was only able to get one or two points from Webby when I was at the back line. Webby beat me when he was on the back line showing that I have a lot of room for improvement.

I played my first singles match against Webby!

Webby is a very good player. I think he self rates himself as a level four or higher player. I would self-rate myself as a two and a half to a three-level player at this time, so I was well over-matched. I am sure you have already guessed it, but Webby kicked my butt!

Webby won without much contention.

Webby won the singles match best two out of three!

In the first game, I was able to snag a few points. Most of the points I earned were because of missed shots by Webby, not because I earned them. But, I was able to earn one point against him which felt good!

In the second game, Webby’s endurance and skill were too much for me as I found myself watching the ball go past me as my legs felt like cement, and he looked like an Energizer Bunny never stopping. Singles require a lot of movement to cover the court, and being in shape helps a lot.

Then, the circus arrived!

At nearly 9am on the dot, thirty to forty people arrived ready to play! It was an amazing experience because the courts attracted people of all types. Young. Retired. Men. Women. Coaches. Professional YouTubers. And newbies like me. This is one of the primary reasons I love pickleball, it’s a sport anyone and everyone can play!

Webby introduced me to a few players he knew from his days playing at Freedom Park. We warmed up, hitting some dinks and volleys. Then, Webby joined me to play a doubles match.

We played doubles!

This was my first time playing a doubles match with players who had a lot of playing experience. All of my playing time up to this point has been self-taught, and it was with new players like myself. I was nervous.

We started with the serve, and with Webby’s help, we took a commanding lead. As we played, Webby coached me. He taught me how to properly rotate and he shared best practices about how to decide if you should take the ball or let your partner. The biggest takeaway I had was to offer the ball to whoever had a forehand advantage compared to someone with a backhand. Meaning, if I was up at the net and I could hit it with my forehand, take the shot! Otherwise, let my partner take it if it’s in a neutral place on the court.

The game went back and forth, and the two players we played against were a lot of fun to play with. One of them, let’s call him Big John, was tough to hit past because he was very tall, probably six foot four, so he had tremendous reach. His partner has a great touch which made it difficult to find an open shot to earn a point. In the end, we won, and then so much more happened!

All the courts are full and there is a line of players at Freedom Park in Canton!

All the courts were full!

By 9:30am, all six courts were full and paddles lined up forming a line of players waiting to play. After my first doubles match with Webby, I got to experience how rotations work. The courts self-govern teams and force pairs to split so that a team can’t dominate the courts, and more players to get play. This evens the teams, and it makes it fairer for everyone.

In each game, I was usually introduced as the new guy. My partners enjoyed coaching me with varying annoyance, and I tried my best to listen to their advice, and not frustrate them while I learned. Everyone was very open, and accepting, and welcomed me to the group. Each person I played with had different strengths, and every one taught me something new.

What did I learn playing with really good pickleball players?

1. Several drills pickleball players do to warm up and improve their ability. The skinny and short-serve game that Webby played was very challenging. We also practiced dinks and volleys to work on touch close to the net.

2. During a singles pickleball match, the server changes which side they serve from depending on the score. If the server’s score is even, they serve from the right. If the server’s score is odd, they serve from the left. I did not know that!

3. During doubles, when your team is returning the ball, the player who is not returning the serve should start close to the non-volley zone so that they have an advantage at the net.

4. When your team is serving the ball, stay back and don’t crouch up because the returning team tends to hit the ball toward the back line.

5. When you play doubles, communication is key. If you are going for the ball and it’s in neutral territory, say something.

6. When your ball ventures away from your court and into your neighbor’s court, stay put and yell “Ball” so that you do not interrupt their play, and they get your ball for you.

7. I learned that some players are okay when you smash it on them and some are not. I am not sure yet what the proper etiquette is with smashing, yet.

8. Pickleball players and the community are awesome. Everyone is welcoming and willing to help you learn. I also learned that they are all very competitive, so learn quickly!

When do I play next?

I am looking forward to my next game of pickleball. I plan to host another event at PARC in a week, and it should be a lot of fun. Stay tuned!

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